When Sunny Leone ventured into Bollywood, she found it hard to get her fans to look past her image of an adult-entertainment star in the past. As an actor, she got success by doing films such as Jism 2 (2012), Ragini MMS 2 (2014), Hate Story 2 (2014) and Ek Paheli Leela (her latest release). But apparently, her stereotypical former image is stuck with her and is harming the promotional activity of her next that co-stars Ram Kapoor.
An insider says that ahead of the film's release, the makers are facing difficulty in promoting the film on TV as most General Entertainment Channels (GEC) have refused to have Sunny promote the movie on their shows. "While most films are promoted on daily as well as reality shows, many GECs refused to let Sunny appear in them. They reasoned that they can't promote anything erotic on their family channels," says the source from the film's unit.
source and more at http://www.hindustantimes.com/bollywood/tv-channels-refuse-to-promote-sunny-leone-s-film/article1-1341191.aspx